Weathersfield Heron Rookery

Putney Mountain Hawk Watch


Christmas Bird Count

Backyard Bird Count


eBird Vermont

Vermont Center for Ecostudies

All About Birds

Local birding listserve (Upper Valley Birders)

Birding listserves hosted by the American Birding Association

Bird Song Interactive - Fun activity from the Minnesota Department of Resources. Hear some of our thrushes, warblers, sparrows, and more, all on one page.

Pollinators - The Pollinator Webinar Series organized moderated by Tom Butzler and Dr. Margarita Lopez-Uribe from Penn State Extension. These eight webinars cover a whole range of topics from beekeeping management to wild bee biodiversity and how to create habitat for pollinators.

Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas - Learn all about herps in Vermont. Contribute to science by reporting your observations.


Gardening for Birds - Create a bird haven in your yard.

Vermont Natural Resources Conservation Service Information Sheets on forest, grassland, and shrubland birds.

American Bird Conservancy - CatsWindowsWind Energy