Weathersfield Heron Rookery
Putney Mountain Hawk Watch
Local birding listserve (Upper Valley Birders)
Birding listserves hosted by the American Birding Association
Bird Song Interactive - Fun activity from the Minnesota Department of Resources. Hear some of our thrushes, warblers, sparrows, and more, all on one page.
Pollinators - The Pollinator Webinar Series organized moderated by Tom Butzler and Dr. Margarita Lopez-Uribe from Penn State Extension. These eight webinars cover a whole range of topics from beekeeping management to wild bee biodiversity and how to create habitat for pollinators.
Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas - Learn all about herps in Vermont. Contribute to science by reporting your observations.
Gardening for Birds - Create a bird haven in your yard.
Vermont Natural Resources Conservation Service Information Sheets on forest, grassland, and shrubland birds.
American Bird Conservancy - Cats, Windows, Wind Energy